Augments can increase the range of certain skills.Rangers are going to have a minimum distance requirement where they are eligible to use their ranged weapons. Let's say you use Power shot: You click Power shot, you quickly switch over to the ranged weapon, execute the skill, and you're back to your primary focus, which is the the sword and shield and then for weapon attacks like your Q or your left mouse button, you would have the option to to set which is your focus, the ranged weapon, or the main offhand selection and you can swap back and forth between that as you want. There will be a setting to determine if the ranged weapon or main/offhand selection is your primary weapon to use for Q or left-mouse-button basic attacks.Characters performing ranged abilities will switch to the ranged weapon, then can switch back to the melee weapon and shield or two-handed melee weapon.Pre-alpha Ranger bow modeled by Jon Arellano and concepted by Jeff Delierre.Ī character may equip up to two hand weapons and also wear a ranged weapon on their back. do I show the Bow if the Greatsword is unequipped or do I show the Polearm if the Greatsword is unequipped. There'll be a priority system behind that that'll determine. Melee weapon (2 slots - one on each side).And in order to role-play you need to be able to represent kind of what your character is doing in that world and you know part of what animation is doing is creating these sockets on the let's say the belt or the back that you know can plug in certain types of props or items that are created by the character team, like Carson, you know might be a scroll tube, it might be a potion, it might be whatever: Those players will have the ability as we've discussed in the past will have the ability to select what they want to be represented in those sockets and then animation will make sure that jibe well in movement. Ī big component of the MMORPG that - half of that you know acronym is RPG role-playing game. Weapons that are equipped in the character's ranged or offhand slots will be automatically swapped in and out as required by the skill. Some ranged or melee abilities require a specific weapon to be equipped.Only one item can show at a time, and that is determined by player choice. Players can set the appearance priority for the items they wish to show.

Items attached to a character's back or belt represent items they are in possession of. This belt has like my material components for spell casting so I definitely feel like I'm a witch right now. Mage character with material components for spell casting attached to its belt.